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September Playlist

What a fabulous month September has been - and the best of it is still to come! It's my twenty-first birthday in a week's time and I'm off on my holidays to Italy on Friday. Quite frankly, I can't remember the last time I was so excited about something. I've got a blissful fifteen days off work because of it and it really couldn't have come at a better time. I've been feeling like a robot from work lately, (you know what I mean - you get stuck in that routine of getting up, going to work, getting so tired from work that you don't want to do anything, so you go to bed, repeat) so this little break will be just what I need to start feeling like myself again.

September has also been a pretty incredible month music-wise. As well as the release of Bastille's amazing new album (which I'm totally in love with, by the way) Bridget Jones' Baby released a pretty dreamy soundtrack featuring Ellie Goulding, Years & Years and Ed Sheeran (I know, right) there's been new stuff from one of my old favourite bands, Kings of Leon, which is so good it's so been worth the long wait for their return - and it's been a month of discovering a few new bands who I'm really loving as well. Oh September, how I've loved you.

Here's a playlist of everything I've been listening to recently. Enjoy - and I'll be back soon to tell you all about my little Italian adventure!


Katie X

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