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Get to know me

I'm just your average girl from the countryside who likes to write. I'm at my happiest when I'm by the sea and I'm also a bit of a music fanatic.

My name is Katie (definitely not Kate, thank you) and I'm twenty-one-years-old.  I'm from a small town in Buckinghamshire (you won't have heard of it) on the outskirts of London - but I spend half of my time living the northern (ish) life in Sheffield with my boyfriend. I don't know what I want to do with my life but as long as I have dogs and an endless supply of cocktails in it, I'll probably be happy.


Music has always been a big part of my life. You name it, I'll probably like it. I like taking photos, going to gigs, astronomy, being by the ocean, having my head stuck in a book, baking and going on long walks in the countryside.


Most people describe me as 'the quiet girl' which I guess is right; but once you get to know me you'll see that I'm always that girl who's the last to stop laughing - and I can talk for England.




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