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So I got a Canon camera...

You know when you get that one thing you've wanted for ever and you can't quite believe you finally have it? That was me this week when my boyfriend surprised me with the best present ever in aid of our two year anniversary - a Canon camera! I know most people are probably like, so what, but I've had my heart set on them for longer than I can remember. I mean, he even chose one in my favourite colour - so I reckon he's a keeper. I haven't stopped snapping pictures since I very excitedly unwrapped it on Monday - and it most definitely hasn't disappointed so far. I think I might be a little bit in love with it. (In case you're wondering - it's a Canon Powershot SX410is.

After an afternoon of messing around taking photos of my boyfriend's garden - we decided to use our anniversary the next day as an excuse to walk around a zoo and swoon over all the cute animals; which had been his plan all along - he'd been bugging me to open it early for days. Although I'm still learning how to use it properly, (I'm not the best at this technology stuff okay) I am really impressed with the quality of photos this little camera comes out with. It has a built-in 'Macro' lens - which basically means you can take super close-up shots without it coming out the huge blurry mess I'm used to, as well as an 'Infinity' lens which lets you take high quality photos of long-distance things. There's also endless settings you can fiddle with to alter the colours, brightness and intensity of the photos - so many that I'm still finding new things on there all the time. It's super fancy.

I've already taken over eighty photos in the last few days - (I know, maybe a little obsessive) and as this number is only going to grow and grow, I figured that I needed somewhere to keep them all. So I came up with the idea of adding a sort-of portfolio page on here. Don't get me wrong, I'm no pro photographer - it's merely just a hobby but I hope people get some sort of enjoyment out of looking at them.

P.S. You can see some of my favourite nature/zoo snaps here! :)

Katie X

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