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August playlist

It's all about the old school tunes this month. Don't ask me why. My boyfriend and I have recently used our regular long car journeys (damn you, distance) into a Backstreet Boys slash Blue slash any other cheesy ninety's pop band you can think of sing-a-longs. I really don't know how or why we ever made this a thing - but I can't lie, it's pretty fun. And there were some massive bangers back in the day. You're definitely lying if you say otherwise - and besides, you're never too cool for old school, right?

This is what six-year-old Katie had on her iPod (did iPods exist in 2001? How do six-year-olds listen to music? Whatever) and everything else in between. I think it's safe to say my music taste has improved dramatically since then - but I know you'll secretly enjoy this playlist even if you pretend not to. Cheesy pop is everyone's guilty pleasure. For sure.

Katie X

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