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Us - two years on

This is me and my boyfriend, George, and this week marks two years since we got together. September 7th to be exact. So for that reason, I really wanted to write something dedicated to us - warning, this post contains a lot of me gushing my heart out, but I promise you won't need a sick bucket. At least I hope not.

George and I had been friends for about four years before we finally got together. We weren't the best of mates or anything - but we checked in on one another every now and then to see how things were. I'd always liked that about him - whenever I was feeling down about anything, I knew he always had my back. I've always been able to be completely open and talk about anything with George, even after we'd gone for weeks without talking. I don't really know how it happened - but at some point of summer 2014, those occasional check-ins turned into every-few-days-check-ins, which quickly escalated to daily check-ins, and before I knew it, we were spending up to two hours a night just talking about nothing over the phone. After a while of this, we decided to meet up in person (something we had never done before) where he drove for over three hours (ugh, distance) to my flat in Luton. And I knew straight away that I didn't want him to leave my side for a very long time.

We had to deal with something pretty major quite soon into our relationship. It's something I've kept completely private and only the smallest handful of people I trust know about, but it was legitimately the most traumatic thing I'll probably ever experience. Most guys would have run a mile - but George stuck by me. In fact, I feel like it made us even closer. So I knew that if we could survive that so early on - we could probably survive anything. Of course, we've had our fair share of fights and we'll no doubt continue to squabble - but there really is nothing I would change about us.

Alright, so that last bit was a lie. There's the distance. I'd change that in a heartbeat if I could. He lives in Rotherham, near Sheffield, and I live in Buckinghamshire, just outside of London, so yeah, it's a pretty long way. We've made it work by trying to see eachother every other week or so - but we don't get to see eachother half the amount we want to. It sucks. Even now, two years on, I still cry like a baby every time I'm boarding my train home to London - it hasn't got any easier not knowing when I'll next get to spend time with the person I love the most in the world, but every journey is one closer to the day where distance won't even be a factor anymore. And that'll be a bloody great day. Both for George and I, and for my bank account. Have you seen how much some Sheffield - London train tickets cost? Basically the whole entire Earth.)

In the short space of two years, we've made so many amazing memories. We've gone on weekend adventures to the likes of Brighton, The Lake District, Whitby, Northumberland, Wales - we've even climbed a bloody mountain! We've got to see both of our favourite bands together; he's driven me to places just to let me watch the sunset because he knows I'm a sucker for them, he's become my gig buddy, we have crazy loud sing-a-longs in the car, we have sofa nights in watching documentaries and Disney films, Winter Wonderland is becoming our annual winter tradition, we've seen in two new years together, we've had a cheeky kiss under the fireworks at bonfire night, he's taken me on my first proper holiday abroad and is taking me on my second just for my 21st birthday, we've got drunk and laughed all night together, and we been through rougher times together. He's my best friend and I can't imagine my life without him. I didn't know I could love somebody so much.

That's it. I promise. Here's to lots more years.

Katie X

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