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Reaching Twenty-One

It's August which means my twenty-first birthday is just around the corner. And yes, I am really excited about it already. (God, that's flown by. I've only just got my head around being twenty and I'm definitely still mourning teenagehood.) By the amount I've been talking about it lately anyone would think it was next week, but actually, I still have to wait another eight. I'm not usually one to be overly hyped about birthdays - especially my own, but something about this year's feels so exciting. It's probably mostly to do with the fact that I have a surprise holiday all booked for me, (I know. Get me on that plane right now) but turning twenty-one is a big thing for anyone, isn't it? I mean, turning any age never feels miraculously different from the one before, but being twenty-one will sort of mean that I'll be an actual, proper adult. So maybe I feel a little more scared and nostalgic when I think of it that way - because I still remember being my bleached-blonde, stupidly shy sixteen-year-old self like it was yesterday, but I'm excited to see what adulthood will bring nonetheless.

Growing up into a proper adult inevitably comes with more responsibilities and change - and I've already come a long way since being that sixteen-year-old girl who liked to cause more trouble than it was worth, and who was at the same time terrified by the thought of talking to strangers. The latter is something I do without even flinching these days - almost. But there's still so many more things I'd like to do, and here are ten of them that I'm pretty determined to do whilst being a twenty-one-year-old:

1) Pass my driving test and get my own car.

I've been learning to drive, on-and-off for about a year now so I reckon it's about time I pass my damn test. I've had so many interruptions when it comes to my driving lessons - as in instructors who decided to stop turning up, coursework deadlines, a lack of money and trying to hold down a long-distance relationship to name a few. But now my life has settled down a little - I can't wait to get on with it and finally be able to drive.

2) Take up running. Join the gym.

Believe it or not, I really enjoy running and I used to be pretty good at it. I've still got some 'I came 1st!' stickers from various school sports days to prove it. I was also a member of my uni gym which I went to most days after lectures (where, surprise surprise, the treadmills were my favourite) - but laziness has played a huge part in the fact that I stopped doing both of these things so long ago, but twenty-one will be the age that I get off my arse and start them up again. You'll see.

3) Buy a Canon camera.

Regardless as to whether I'm any good at it or not, I have always been interested in photography and buying a Canon camera has been near the top of my to-do-list for a very long time. I love taking photos, but I'd love it even more if I had something a little more professional to take them on than my iPhone camera.

4) Set up an 'Australia fund'

Now that I'm (nearly) a proper adult, it's time to begin working my way through my bucket list and I want to start by making my dream to visit Australia a reality. Despite ignoring the fact that it'll probably take me the entirety of being twenty-one (and probably beyond) to save up enough to truly be able to afford it, it'll be exciting knowing that I'm at least half-a-foot closer to an Aussie adventure.

5) Cook more.

I'm forever drooling over pictures of food that people have cooked which always really inspires me to go and pick a good cookbook, choose random, gorgeous looking recipes and test out my culinary skills. I mean, I became a pro at cooking pasta and stir-frys while I was at uni, so what on earth could go wrong...?

6) Read all the books on my to-read list.

In theory, this shouldn't be too much of a task as I've probably already read about 40% of it within the last few months. But with the number of books I add to the list, it's only going to get harder by the day...

7) Be more confident.

Most people would probably include 'get my dream job' in a post like this - but I honestly feel like I need to build on my self-confidence in the job I've got before I can even think about doing that. I mean, what good would I really be in my dream job if I still dread the sound of a phone ringing? I need to spend some time out of my comfort zone first - and I feel like my twenty-one-year-old self will bring out the self-confidence I know I have somewhere.

8) Travel to a new country.

I'm well and truly the newest victim of the travel bug. Ever since going abroad for the first time since the dark ages in April, I can't stop thinking about going again. There's so many countries I want to see and places I want to go - there's a whole world out there that I definitely want to see as much of as possible.

9) Stop feeling guilty about spending money on myself.

Unless I'm buying a present for somebody, I'll instantly feel guilty about spending my own money which is kind of ridiculous. I'm entitled to a little retail therapy every now and then, aren't I? (Hello MAC, Urban Decay and all other make-up brands. And hello more bath bombs and especially, hello more books!)

10) Get a small tattoo and a new piercing. Emphasis on small and a new piercing. Personally, the idea of covering my entire body with ink or piercing holes makes my skin crawl slightly, but I'd love to get a small tattoo and a perhaps another piercing. I know exactly what tattoo I'd like, and where I'd want a piercing - but we'll have to wait and see whether I'm brave enough to get them done. I am a bit of a wuss after all.

Katie X


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